He is risen  Alleluia!

Do you know of a local family who is searching for a fantastic school for their first grader in 2024-25? Please fill out this form and we will contact them!

Anyone who successfully helps enroll a first-grade student for August 2024 will receive a $250 discount on tuition OR a $250 Visa or MasterCard gift card.

As a reminder, St. Sebs and all Siena Schools participate in the Racine Parental Choice Program. This allows families who qualify to send their children to our schools for free.

If you know more than one family, please submit a separate form for each one. Thank you for helping our first grade grow!


Father Thomas

Father Thomas Vathappallil, MCBS

Dear Friends in Christ!

I welcome you in the spirit of Jesus to St. Sebastian’s and St. Lucy’s!
St. Sebastian and St. Lucy are vibrant Catholic Communities. We provide many opportunities for your spiritual growth. God’s design is to make us the Light of Christ, that we may glorify God in all that we do. Our Parishes offer opportunities for you to experience Jesus in many ways.

It is most important for us to stay connected to Jesus and to one another. We are the Body of Christ, called to be in communion with one another. I hope you will find our parish a place of welcoming, and full of opportunities you can appreciate. He is waiting for you…in Reconciliation, in Adoration, and especially at the heart of all we do … the Holy Eucharist, our true spiritual nourishment. You will find more information for these opportunities to grow closer to the Lord on our website. In addition to opportunities for spiritual growth, our parish offers resources that invite you to stay connected to our brothers and sisters in the Lord and grow in your faith life. You will find opportunities for Catholic education, Bible Study, ways to be of service in the work of ministry – outreach, formation, social life and so much more.

May you find a home at St. Sebastian’s and St. Lucy’s. We wait to welcome you!

God bless you,

Fr. Thomas Vathappallil


Becoming A Member of St. Sebastian’s

If you would like to become a member of St. Sebastian Parish, there are registration cards in the back of church on the wall rack. Registration cards may be mailed in, dropped in the collection basket, slipped in the mail slot on the parish office door on the weekends, or brought to the Parish Office during the week, Monday – Friday 8:30am to 12:30pm.


For more information on Baptisms.




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Anointing of the Sick

Anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord;  and the prayer of faith will save the sick man, and the Lord will raise him up; and if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.


Healing after Divorce